The booklet has been authorized by Società Italiana Ustioni, Gruppo Missionario di Merano, Gruppo Assistenza Ustionati, Fondazione Piemontese per la Cura e la Ricerca sulle Ustioni – Simone Teich Alasia and the magazine Giovani Genitori with the support of the municipality of Turin.
Cute project has offered interactive workshops to children aged 4-7 in nursery and primary schools in order to teach children how to avoid getting burnt. Pictures and videos of the activity may be posted on our social channels.
Our workshops consist of three steps and it is always carried on together with the school teacher.
First step (approx. 20 minutes): we work in a circle and interact with children with the help of pictures/posters which illustrate the most common dangerous situations for children to get burnt.
Second step (approx. 20 minutes): we work in small groups with children at their desks. Booklets and coloured pencils are provided so that children can colour some of the scenes of their booklet. Teacher and volounteer can help.
Third step(approx. 20 minutes ): children pretend to be “surgeon of operating room” for the last final pictures/videos since they are dressed up with the help of teacher and volounteer.
We are now working on a new illustrated booklet about our mascot, the cute elephant Cuty Firephant!